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A member registered Jun 10, 2020

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(1 edit)

Thank you for your effort - really appreciate the extra work.

Turns out it wasn't necessary and I am just that much of a noob. If i disable 'import as skeletal mesh', it reveals a 'combine mesh' option, so long as that is disabled as well, everything imports individually. Some of the pivots seem to be off but I should be able to solve that.

Thanks again for the extra formats, i'm sure they'll be useful anyway, thanks for supporting the mega bundle (I would never have found these otherwise I don't think).  I'll be sure to grab anything else you've done that looks even remotely interesting direct from supplier!

Hey - first these look fantastic.
Second - I'm a complete noob, going down the Unreal Engine route - if I import this fbx into UE it comes through as just a door and a wall, and both more or less look like blobs. (with an associated physics and skeleton).
Browsing it in the autodesk fbx viewer shows all sorts of awesome but I've no idea how to actually get that awesome into UE.  
Any tips? :)